KJMS Review Process

The KJMS follows laid down peer review process to guarantee Journal quality. Our review process is as detailed below;

Editor assessment - On submission, a manuscript usually undergoes editorial review to evaluate its suitability for KJMS, authenticity, ethical appropriateness, completeness and whether it is formatted correctly. If the manuscript doesn’t pass this initial check, it is rejected by the editor.

 The peer reviews - The review process of KJMS is an editor mediated double blind process. When a manuscript has passed the initial editorial assessment, it is sent out for peer review. The editor identifies and contacts at least two researchers who are experts in the topic and ask them to review the paper within a stipulated time period (2 -4 weeks).

Reviewers are given evaluation criteria (KJMS Review form) which they follow to objectively evaluate the manuscript for Originality, Novelty, Relevance, Satisfactoriness of methodology, data analysis, Presentation and Discussion of the results. The reviewers are also asked to provide comments to the author if any and may also provide feedback confidentially to the Editor.

On receiving the reviewers detailed reports with comments and recommendations on the manuscript, KJMS editorial board study them and make a decision to either Publish the manuscript as it is, Recommend minor revision, Major revision, Resubmission or Rejection of the Manuscript.

The Editor-in-Chief, then makes available the reviews, comments to the author and the editorial board decision on the manuscript to the author(s). If the manuscript requires revisions, then the author(s) will be advised to follow the reviewer’s comments to revise the manuscript and submit within two weeks.

Upon acceptance, the manuscript will be formatted in accordance with KJMS style and Galley Proof sent to author(s) for proof reading before publication. If the manuscript is rejected, the reviewer/s comment are sent to the author(s) to help them in improving their manuscript for possible submission to another journal.

KJMS works hard to progress manuscripts through the peer review process as quickly as possible and the average interval between submission of a manuscript and final decision is about 2-3 months.